Posts in category: Uncategorized
Virtual tour through Aarhus

By Renske Van Hoof As life in Aarhus seems to be back to normal, tourists from several countries are still not allowed to enter Denmark unless they have a valid reason. My friends and family from Belgium would love to come visit me, but are still hesitant. What if the situation doesn’t change and they […]

Life in Dorms During Corona-time

The novel Coronavirus has significantly affected the way students live and learn. Most colleges have closed their campuses and shifted to online learning during the first “wave” of the pandemic, and many have also adopted the pass/fail policy concerning grading. Besides means of learning, students’ day-to-day homelife has also changed. Jakob Schultz, a political-science student […]

Shopping mall Covid-19 measures walk through, September 2020

“Veri centeret” shopping mall, Risskov, Denmark. Click full screen for an interactive walk through in English. By Nanna Cecilie Madsen